? ? ?




  • 視頻資源大?。?1.8 GB 更新時間:2023-03-15
  • 類型:口語速成 觀看方式:百度網(wǎng)盤
  • 類別:>名師講座 > 外語學習Tags:
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|? ?├──動畫片1

|? ?|? ?├──01 看一看媽媽就知道.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──02 嗚嗚嗚 蟒蛇火車來啦.mp4? 190.41M

|? ?|? ?├──03 蟲蟲會放屁.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──04 是毛毛蟲還是豆子.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──05 捉迷藏 竹節(jié)蟲最厲害了.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──06 小松鼠找橡實.mp4? 190.46M

|? ?|? ?├──07 滾動吧 蜣螂.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──08 小蜘蛛的新家在哪呢.mp4? 190.74M

|? ?|? ?├──09 哇 我們飛起來了.mp4? 190.34M

|? ?|? ?├──10 鈴蟲的演奏真好聽.mp4? 190.89M

|? ?|? ?├──11 快停下小野豬.mp4? 190.35M

|? ?|? ?├──12 麥奇當哥哥啦.mp4? 190.46M

|? ?|? ?├──13 跟蚯蚓在雨中玩.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──14 幫小蝌蚪找媽媽.mp4? 190.47M

|? ?|? ?├──15 新朋友秧雞.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──16 一閃一閃螢火蟲.mp4? 190.88M

|? ?|? ?├──17 麥奇迷路了.mp4? 190.56M

|? ?|? ?├──18 尋找烏鴉爺爺?shù)膶氊?mp4? 190.46M

|? ?|? ?├──19 小蟾蜍背一背.mp4? 190.42M

|? ?|? ?├──20 森林守護者貓頭鷹.mp4? 190.47M

|? ?|? ?├──21 哎呀誰的包包掉了.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──22 愛干凈的浣熊叔叔.mp4? 190.55M

|? ?|? ?├──23 鳥蛋別跑.mp4? 190.42M

|? ?|? ?├──24 鼴鼠的聽力好厲害.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──25 愛打嗝的吹泡蟲.mp4? 190.88M

|? ?|? ?├──26 幫寄居蟹找房子.mp4? 190.46M

|? ?|? ?├──27 黑熊叔叔和花皇冠.mp4? 190.56M

|? ?|? ?├──28 跟刺猬寶寶玩氣球.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──29 泥鰍 跳跳跳.mp4? 190.39M

|? ?|? ?├──30 蝸牛慢也沒關(guān)系.mp4? 190.59M

|? ?|? ?├──31 啄木高手啄木鳥.mp4? 190.61M

|? ?|? ?├──32 奇怪的腳印.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──33 孤單的黃金蝙蝠.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──34 金花鼠哥哥來了.mp4? 190.86M

|? ?|? ?├──35 麥奇長高高.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──36 害羞的猞猁.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──37 你是烏龜呀 還是石頭呀.mp4? 190.47M

|? ?|? ?├──38 實現(xiàn)愿望的狐貍奶奶.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──39 瓢蟲是醫(yī)生.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──40 小馬公主.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──41 朵朵媽媽.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──42 善良的小女孩.mp4? 190.42M

|? ?|? ?├──43 山羊爺爺?shù)臉淙~飛機.mp4? 190.58M

|? ?|? ?├──44 抓住黃鼠狼的尾巴.mp4? 190.45M

|? ?|? ?├──45 飛吧飛鼠.mp4? 190.54M

|? ?|? ?├──46 媽媽生日快樂.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──47 別害怕小豺狼.mp4? 190.43M

|? ?|? ?├──48 做好朋友吧.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──49 小蜜蜂別追啦.mp4? 190.41M

|? ?|? ?├──50 去雞阿姨家做客啦.mp4? 190.32M

|? ?|? ?├──51 奔跑吧雪橇.mp4? 191.18M

|? ?|? ?├──52 雪人雪人一起來玩吧.mp4? 190.44M

|? ?|? ?├──53 照顧熊寶寶 .mp4? 94.52M

|? ?|? ?├──54 厲害的鉗子 .mp4? 94.94M

|? ?|? ?└──55 去豬阿姨家做客 .mp4? 94.73M

|? ?└──動畫片2

|? ?|? ?├──1 蝴蝶王子 A Butterfly Dream .mp4? 93.40M

|? ?|? ?├──10? 小松鼠羅米 .mp4? 93.84M

|? ?|? ?├──11 神奇的水下冒險 .mp4? 93.16M

|? ?|? ?├──12 尋找鴛鴦奶奶 .mp4? 94.43M

|? ?|? ?├──13 照顧熊寶寶 .mp4? 94.52M

|? ?|? ?├──14 負子蝽叔叔 The Egg Movers .mp4? 93.61M

|? ?|? ?├──15 帶小孩可真累啊 .mp4? 94.16M

|? ?|? ?├──16 萌雞的士出發(fā) .mp4? 93.18M

|? ?|? ?├──17 熱鬧的生日派對 .mp4? 93.89M

|? ?|? ?├──18 小伙伴加油 .mp4? 93.97M

|? ?|? ?├──19 小小慢和虎甲 .mp4? 93.47M

|? ?|? ?├──2 咖啡好苦啊 Fantastic Mrs Pigeon .mp4? 94.18M

|? ?|? ?├──20 喇叭花傳話筒 .mp4? 93.99M

|? ?|? ?├──21 厲害的鉗子 .mp4? 94.94M

|? ?|? ?├──22 知了知了大合唱 .mp4? 95.69M

|? ?|? ?├──23 學大雁飛? Wild Geese Adventure .mp4? 93.51M

|? ?|? ?├──24 跟著水黽去郊游 .mp4? 95.87M

|? ?|? ?├──25 大家一起去郊游 .mp4? 93.85M

|? ?|? ?├──26 去豬阿姨家做客 .mp4? 94.73M

|? ?|? ?├──27 開船去大海 .mp4? 95.01M

|? ?|? ?├──28 森林里的小金魚 .mp4? 94.19M

|? ?|? ?├──29 泥漿小怪物 It’s a Mud Monster .mp4? 94.16M

|? ?|? ?├──3 奔跑吧彈涂魚 .mp4? 95.53M

|? ?|? ?├──30 全部都是小貓的 .mp4? 94.65M

|? ?|? ?├──31 麥奇與小德的冒險上 .mp4? 94.68M

|? ?|? ?├──32 麥奇與小德的冒險下 .mp4? 93.10M

|? ?|? ?├──33 學騎自行車 .mp4? 93.11M

|? ?|? ?├──34 要好好吃飯哦 .mp4? 94.29M

|? ?|? ?├──35 小鷹會飛啦 .mp4? 94.22M

|? ?|? ?├──36 森林里的蜘蛛網(wǎng) .mp4? 95.49M

|? ?|? ?├──37 會動的石榴 .mp4? 92.91M

|? ?|? ?├──38 森林里的清潔員 .mp4? 93.21M

|? ?|? ?├──39 小獐子的笑聲 .mp4? 93.32M

|? ?|? ?├──4 膽小的小羊 Silly Shy Sheep .mp4? 94.28M

|? ?|? ?├──40 愛磨牙的小老虎 .mp4? 94.58M

|? ?|? ?├──41 小鹿的角 .mp4? 92.70M

|? ?|? ?├──42 扶起稻草人叔叔 .mp4? 93.81M

|? ?|? ?├──43 愛美的孔雀叔叔 .mp4? 93.00M

|? ?|? ?├──44 消失的柿子 .mp4? 94.88M

|? ?|? ?├──45 追蹤小鮭魚 .mp4? 91.73M

|? ?|? ?├──46 和小蜻蜓做朋友 .mp4? 94.12M

|? ?|? ?├──47 小松鼠當爸爸 .mp4? 94.93M

|? ?|? ?├──48 南極來的小企鵝 .mp4? 94.69M

|? ?|? ?├──49 害羞的小牛寶寶 .mp4? 95.29M

|? ?|? ?├──5 調(diào)皮的小樹蛙? Tricky Tree Frog .mp4? 94.59M

|? ?|? ?├──50 打瞌睡的小睡鼠 .mp4? 93.88M

|? ?|? ?├──51 保護橘子 .mp4? 95.38M

|? ?|? ?├──52 神奇的山泉水 .mp4? 94.62M

|? ?|? ?├──53 你是烏龜呀 還是石頭呀.mp4? 190.47M

|? ?|? ?├──54 啄木高手啄木鳥.mp4? 190.61M

|? ?|? ?├──55 鳥蛋別跑.mp4? 190.42M

|? ?|? ?├──6 給媽媽的禮物 Surprise for Mommy .mp4? 94.95M

|? ?|? ?├──7 大力士獨角仙 .mp4? 93.86M

|? ?|? ?├──8 ??奶奶來了 .mp4? 93.98M

|? ?|? ?└──9 安全駕駛很重要 Black Snake Train .mp4? 91.64M


|? ?├──啟蒙兒歌1

|? ?|? ?├──Are You Sleeping Brother John .mp4? 32.44M

|? ?|? ?├──Baa Baa Black Sheep .mp4? 34.65M

|? ?|? ?├──Baby Shark .mp4? 31.12M

|? ?|? ?├──Bath Song .mp4? 37.28M

|? ?|? ?├──Bingo Cocomelon .mp4? 39.60M

|? ?|? ?├──Dinosaurs Song .mp4? 101.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Down by the Bay .mp4? 29.39M

|? ?|? ?├──Farmer in the Dell .mp4? 26.12M

|? ?|? ?├──Finger Family .mp4? 33.41M

|? ?|? ?├──Five Little Ducks .mp4? 38.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Five Little Monkeys .mp4? 45.85M

|? ?|? ?├──Five Little Speckled Frogs .mp4? 42.42M

|? ?|? ?├──Frog Song .mp4? 43.14M

|? ?|? ?├──Happy Birthday Song .mp4? 32.58M

|? ?|? ?├──Head Shoulders Knees & Toes .mp4? 40.22M

|? ?|? ?├──Hello Song .mp4? 45.65M

|? ?|? ?├──Itsy Bitsy Spider .mp4? 34.03M

|? ?|? ?├──Jobs and Career Song .mp4? 54.32M

|? ?|? ?├──Johny Johny Yes Papa .mp4? 53.49M

|? ?|? ?├──London Bridge is Falling Down .mp4? 33.60M

|? ?|? ?├──Looby Loo .mp4? 37.65M

|? ?|? ?├──Mary Had a Little Lamb .mp4? 40.07M

|? ?|? ?├──Numbers Song .mp4? 42.25M

|? ?|? ?├──Pat A Cake .mp4? 20.00M

|? ?|? ?├──Peek A Boo Song .mp4? 26.50M

|? ?|? ?├──Rain Rain Go Away .mp4? 36.94M

|? ?|? ?├──Row Row Row Your Boat .mp4? 20.21M

|? ?|? ?├──Shape Song .mp4? 61.51M

|? ?|? ?├──Skidamarink .mp4? 35.91M

|? ?|? ?├──Skip to My Lou .mp4? 29.43M

|? ?|? ?├──Swimming Song .mp4? 39.06M

|? ?|? ?├──Ten in the Bed .mp4? 107.55M

|? ?|? ?├──Ten Little Duckies .mp4? 37.83M

|? ?|? ?├──The Muffin Man .mp4? 35.74M

|? ?|? ?├──This Is the Way .mp4? 35.05M

|? ?|? ?├──Twinkle Twinkle Little Star .mp4? 42.42M

|? ?|? ?├──Wheels on the Bus .mp4? 50.41M

|? ?|? ?└──Where Has My Little Dog Gone .mp4? 38.31M

|? ?├──啟蒙兒歌2

|? ?|? ?├──Animal Dance Song .mp4? 39.80M

|? ?|? ?├──Ants Go Marching .mp4? 50.73M

|? ?|? ?├──Are We There Yet Song .mp4? 35.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Balloon Boat Race .mp4? 45.75M

|? ?|? ?├──Breakfast Song .mp4? 35.53M

|? ?|? ?├──Brush Your Teeth .mp4? 22.66M

|? ?|? ?├──Bug Song .mp4? 31.64M

|? ?|? ?├──Car Wash Song .mp4? 34.74M

|? ?|? ?├──Clean Up Trash Song .mp4? 44.43M

|? ?|? ?├──Crocodile Alligator Song .mp4? 22.89M

|? ?|? ?├──Dinosaurs Song .mp4? 101.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Dinosaurs T-Rex Number Song .mp4? 133.02M

|? ?|? ?├──Five Little Dinosaurs .mp4? 31.99M

|? ?|? ?├──Fruit Song .mp4? 41.56M

|? ?|? ?├──Happy Birthday Song .mp4? 32.58M

|? ?|? ?├──I’m Sorry Excuse Me Song .mp4? 56.11M

|? ?|? ?├──Jack and Jill .mp4? 22.37M

|? ?|? ?├──Jobs and Career Song .mp4? 54.32M

|? ?|? ?├──John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt .mp4? 26.49M

|? ?|? ?├──Johny Johny Yes Papa .mp4? 53.49M

|? ?|? ?├──Laughing Baby with Family .mp4? 30.99M

|? ?|? ?├──Looby Loo .mp4? 37.65M

|? ?|? ?├──My Daddy Song .mp4? 43.33M

|? ?|? ?├──My Mommy Song .mp4? 42.52M

|? ?|? ?├──My Name Song .mp4? 52.86M

|? ?|? ?├──Opposites Song .mp4? 45.25M

|? ?|? ?├──Pat A Cake .mp4? 20.00M

|? ?|? ?├──Peek A Boo Song .mp4? 26.50M

|? ?|? ?├──Planet Song .mp4? 69.27M

|? ?|? ?├──Pop Goes the Weasel .mp4? 17.25M

|? ?|? ?├──Potty Training Song .mp4? 43.82M

|? ?|? ?├──Sharing Song .mp4? 49.47M

|? ?|? ?├──Sick Song .mp4? 33.16M

|? ?|? ?├──Sports Ball Song .mp4? 34.20M

|? ?|? ?├──Swimming Song .mp4? 39.06M

|? ?|? ?├──Take Me Out to the Ball Game .mp4? 41.18M

|? ?|? ?├──Ten Little Duckies .mp4? 37.83M

|? ?|? ?├──Thank You Song .mp4? 44.83M

|? ?|? ?├──The Ant and the Grasshopper .mp4? 38.62M

|? ?|? ?├──The Bird Song .mp4? 42.98M

|? ?|? ?├──The Boo Boo Song .mp4? 51.08M

|? ?|? ?├──The Duck Hide and Seek Song .mp4? 78.22M

|? ?|? ?├──The Hiccup Song .mp4? 61.53M

|? ?|? ?├──The Lunch Song .mp4? 45.90M

|? ?|? ?├──The More We Get Together .mp4? 41.87M

|? ?|? ?├──The Soccer Song .mp4? 41.95M

|? ?|? ?├──The Socks Song .mp4? 82.56M

|? ?|? ?├──The Stretching and Exercise Song .mp4? 39.31M

|? ?|? ?├──The Teacher Song .mp4? 44.92M

|? ?|? ?├──Vegetables Song .mp4? 38.77M

|? ?|? ?├──Wheels on the Bus .mp4? 50.41M

|? ?|? ?├──Winter Song .mp4? 39.60M

|? ?|? ?├──Yes Yes Bedtime Song .mp4? 53.92M

|? ?|? ?└──Yes Yes Save the Earth Song .mp4? 57.09M

|? ?├──啟蒙兒歌3

|? ?|? ?├──001. The Dubby Dubs Theme Song _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 28.82M

|? ?|? ?├──002. Baa Baa Black Sheep _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 17.45M

|? ?|? ?├──003. The Lion Song With The Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 31.76M

|? ?|? ?├──004. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 23.26M

|? ?|? ?├──005. Old MacDonald Had A Farm _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 54.07M

|? ?|? ?├──006. Jingle Bells _ Popular Christmas Songs For Kids _ Christmas Special Songs.mp4? 40.86M

|? ?|? ?├──007. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer _ Christmas Songs For Kids _ Popular Christmas Song.mp4? 36.64M

|? ?|? ?├──008. We Wish You A Merry Christmas _ Popular Christmas Carols _ Christmas Songs For Kids.mp4? 24.44M

|? ?|? ?├──009. Incy Wincy Spider _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 15.66M

|? ?|? ?├──010. My Name Is Amy _ ABC Song _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids _ Kindergarten Learn Series.mp4? 29.73M

|? ?|? ?├──011. If You’re Happy And You Know It _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 28.51M

|? ?|? ?├──012. The Butterfly Song With The Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 32.57M

|? ?|? ?├──013. The Elephant Song With The Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 24.23M

|? ?|? ?├──014. Row Row Row Your Boat _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 19.14M

|? ?|? ?├──015. Lights Of The Signal _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 12.25M

|? ?|? ?├──016. Hush Little Baby _ Lullaby For Kids _ Popular English Songs.mp4? 16.92M

|? ?|? ?├──017. Naughty Monkey With The Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 16.26M

|? ?|? ?├──018. The Mango Song With The Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 18.69M

|? ?|? ?├──019. Aeroplane Aeroplane _ Modes Of Transport _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 55.81M

|? ?|? ?├──020. Mary Had A Little Lamb _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 30.88M

|? ?|? ?├──021. Humpty Dumpty _ Nursery Rhymes And Songs For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 28.44M

|? ?|? ?├──022. Banana Tanana _ English Songs And Nursery Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 45.02M

|? ?|? ?├──023. Hickory Dickory Dock _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 32.96M

|? ?|? ?├──024. Dr. Binocs Theme Song _ Educational Videos For Kids.mp4? 22.16M

|? ?|? ?├──025. London Bridge Is Falling Down _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 34.24M

|? ?|? ?├──026. Hokey Pokey _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 46.26M

|? ?|? ?├──027. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star And More Nursery Rhymes For Kids? _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection.mp4? 480.10M

|? ?|? ?├──028. We Wish You A Merry Christmas _ Christmas Carols & Christmas Songs for Kids By Peekaboo Kids.mp4? 33.48M

|? ?|? ?├──029. Baa Baa Black Sheep And More _ Collection Of Non-Stop English Nursery Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 495.12M

|? ?|? ?├──030. Old MacDonald Had A Farm And More Classic English Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ 40 Mins Compilation.mp4? 557.29M

|? ?|? ?├──031. We Wish You A Merry Christmas _ Christmas Songs for Kids _ Christmas Song Collection.mp4? 301.80M

|? ?|? ?├──032. Collection Of Favourite Kids Nursery Rhymes _ Non-Stop Songs And Rhymes _ 45 Mins Compilation.mp4? 599.69M

|? ?|? ?├──033. Mary Had A Little Lamb & More Nursery Rhymes _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection For Children.mp4? 538.16M

|? ?|? ?├──034. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer _ Christmas Carols _ Christmas Songs For Kids _ By Peekaboo Kids.mp4? 42.56M

|? ?|? ?├──035. London Bridge Is Falling Down And More Non-Stop Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids _ 50 Mins.mp4? 667.48M

|? ?|? ?├──036. Wheels On The Bus _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 67.41M

|? ?|? ?├──037. Wheels On The Bus And More Favourite Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Collection of Popular Nursery Rhymes.mp4? 582.55M

|? ?|? ?├──038. Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids _ Non Stop English Rhymes _ Over 40 Mins Compilation.mp4? 607.73M

|? ?|? ?├──039. Five Little Dubby Dubs _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 27.00M

|? ?|? ?├──040. Humpty Dumpty & More Popular English Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ 50 Minutes Nursery Rhymes Compilation.mp4? 684.95M

|? ?|? ?├──041. Five Little Dubby Dubs And More Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ 48 Minutes Collection of Nursery Rhymes.mp4? 673.78M

|? ?|? ?├──042. Collection Of Popular English Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ 45 Mins Compilation.mp4? 623.13M

|? ?|? ?├──043. JINGLE BELLS _ Christmas Songs & Christmas Carols for Kids _ By Peekaboo Kids.mp4? 47.70M

|? ?|? ?├──044. Farmer In The Dell Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics for Kids.mp4? 36.51M

|? ?|? ?├──045. Non-Stop Favorite Nursery Rhymes And Songs For Kids _ 56 Mins Compilation.mp4? 775.09M

|? ?|? ?├──046. Rain Rain Go Away _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 41.19M

|? ?|? ?├──047. ABCD Poem For Kids With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme For Children.mp4? 39.64M

|? ?|? ?├──048. Bingo _ Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 51.29M

|? ?|? ?├──049. Rain Rain Go Away Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Children.mp4? 45.31M

|? ?|? ?├──050. Hokey Pokey Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 44.37M

|? ?|? ?├──051. Yankee Doodle _ Popular Nursery Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 49.18M

|? ?|? ?├──052. Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Children.mp4? 64.74M

|? ?|? ?├──053. London Bridge Is Falling Down With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 33.08M

|? ?|? ?├──054. Rain Rain Go Away _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 55.66M

|? ?|? ?├──055. ABCD Poem _ Popular Nursery Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 41.83M

|? ?|? ?├──056. Farmer In The Dell Rhyme _ Popular Nursery Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 36.11M

|? ?|? ?├──057. Mulberry Bush _ English Songs And Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 26.95M

|? ?|? ?├──058. Chubby Cheeks _ Nursery Rhyme for Kids _ Popular English Rhymes.mp4? 23.61M

|? ?|? ?├──059. Jack and Jill _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 13.59M

|? ?|? ?├──060. ABCD Nursery Rhymes And Songs For Children _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection.mp4? 439.85M

|? ?|? ?├──061. Rock A Bye Baby Lullaby With Lyrics _ Classic Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 64.69M

|? ?|? ?├──062. Hickory Dickory Dock Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 31.25M

|? ?|? ?├──063. Yankee Doodle And More Popular Nursery Rhymes For Kids _ 60 Mins Compilation.mp4? 832.68M

|? ?|? ?├──064. Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall _ Kids Songs _ Super Simple Songs _ Nursery Rhymes.mp4? 27.60M

|? ?|? ?├──065. Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed _ Popular Children Nursery Rhyme _ Rhyme For Kids.mp4? 34.30M

|? ?|? ?├──066. Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme For Children, Kids and Babies.mp4? 67.72M

|? ?|? ?├──067. Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed and More Popular English Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids.mp4? 738.16M

|? ?|? ?├──068. Jingle Bells _ Christmas Songs For Kids _ Nursery Rhymes for Children By Peekaboo Kids.mp4? 49.02M

|? ?|? ?├──069. Banana Tanana and Many More Nursery Rhymes For Children _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids.mp4? 626.67M

|? ?|? ?├──070. Lion Song and Many More English Rhymes For Children _ Collection of Popular Nursery Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 429.53M

|? ?|? ?├──071. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Song _ Christmas Songs For Kids _ Christmas Special Songs.mp4? 25.61M

|? ?|? ?├──072. Traffic Signal & Many More Nursery Rhymes For Children _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids.mp4? 459.36M

|? ?|? ?├──073. Hickory Dickory Dock & Many More Popular Nursery Rhymes _ Collection of English Rhymes For Children.mp4? 495.62M

|? ?|? ?├──074. We Wish You A Merry Christmas _ Christmas Carols _ Christmas Songs For Kids.mp4? 33.09M

|? ?|? ?├──075. Jingle Bells Song For Children With Lyrics _ Popular Christmas Songs For Kids.mp4? 46.50M

|? ?|? ?├──076. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer With Lyrics _ Popular Christmas Song With Lyrics.mp4? 19.04M

|? ?|? ?├──077. We Wish You A Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year Song With Lyrics _ Popular Christmas Song.mp4? 27.24M

|? ?|? ?├──078. Mango Song For Children & Many More Popular Nursery Rhymes _ Collection of English Rhymes For? Kids.mp4? 438.67M

|? ?|? ?├──079. Baa Baa Black Sheep Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics.mp4? 15.05M

|? ?|? ?├──080. Old MacDonald Had A Farm Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme and Song for Children.mp4? 50.40M

|? ?|? ?├──081. Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round & More _ 35 Minutes Popular Nursery Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 484.82M

|? ?|? ?├──082. Incy Wincy Spider Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics.mp4? 14.69M

|? ?|? ?├──083. Rock A Bye Baby Lullaby Collection _ Lullabies For Babies To Sleep & More Nursery Rhymes for Kids.mp4? 411.50M

|? ?|? ?├──084. Row Row Row Your Boat Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics _ Popular English Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics.mp4? 17.28M

|? ?|? ?├──085. If You’re Happy And You Know It And More Rhymes _ Popular Nursery Rhymes Collection For Kids.mp4? 462.46M

|? ?|? ?├──086. Hush Little Baby Lullaby Song For Babies With Lyrics _ Popular Lullaby Song with Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 15.65M

|? ?|? ?├──087. Bingo & More Animal Rhymes For Children _ 42 Minutes Popular Nursery Rhymes For Kids.mp4? 572.00M

|? ?|? ?├──088. Mary Had A Little Lamb With Lyrics _ Popular Nursery Rhyme With Lyrics For Kids.mp4? 28.84M

|? ?|? ?└──089. Incy Wincy Spider Plus More Nursery Rhymes _ Popular Nursery Rhymes & Songs For Children.mp4? 481.56M

|? ?└──啟蒙兒歌4

|? ?|? ?├──01.The A Song.mp4? 18.56M

|? ?|? ?├──02.The B Song.mp4? 24.30M

|? ?|? ?├──03.The C Song.mp4? 19.14M

|? ?|? ?├──04.The D Song.mp4? 22.52M

|? ?|? ?├──05.The E Song.mp4? 22.94M

|? ?|? ?├──06.The F Song.mp4? 34.41M

|? ?|? ?├──07.The G Song.mp4? 21.97M

|? ?|? ?├──08.The H Song.mp4? 27.11M

|? ?|? ?├──09.The I Song.mp4? 19.29M

|? ?|? ?├──10.The J Song.mp4? 28.84M

|? ?|? ?├──11.The K Song.mp4? 24.49M

|? ?|? ?├──12.The L Song.mp4? 40.60M

|? ?|? ?└──13.The M Song.mp4? 26.22M


|? ?├──讀繪本1

|? ?|? ?├──1.At the Market .mp4? 13.87M

|? ?|? ?├──10.My Family 1 .mp4? 18.72M

|? ?|? ?├──11.My Family 2 .mp4? 18.72M

|? ?|? ?├──12.Mouse 1 .mp4? 17.90M

|? ?|? ?├──13.Mouse 2 .mp4? 17.90M

|? ?|? ?├──14.Mop 1 .mp4? 19.50M

|? ?|? ?├──15.Mop 2 .mp4? 19.50M

|? ?|? ?├──16.Mom .mp4? 14.95M

|? ?|? ?├──17.Dad .mp4? 14.54M

|? ?|? ?├──18.At the Zoo .mp4? 13.99M

|? ?|? ?├──19.On the… School .mp4? 14.16M

|? ?|? ?├──2.Rex .mp4? 14.36M

|? ?|? ?├──20.The Park .mp4? 13.18M

|? ?|? ?├──21.Tom .mp4? 14.20M

|? ?|? ?├──22.I Can Read .mp4? 13.71M

|? ?|? ?├──23.Baby .mp4? 12.73M

|? ?|? ?├──24.Playing Dress Up .mp4? 12.17M

|? ?|? ?├──25.Little Cub .mp4? 14.81M

|? ?|? ?├──26.My Room .mp4? 13.82M

|? ?|? ?├──27.The Baby .mp4? 12.26M

|? ?|? ?├──28.Go Sledding .mp4? 14.20M

|? ?|? ?├──29.Making a Snowman .mp4? 14.33M

|? ?|? ?├──3.Funny Things .mp4? 11.69M

|? ?|? ?├──30.My Lunch .mp4? 13.70M

|? ?|? ?├──31.Toys .mp4? 14.15M

|? ?|? ?├──32.Little Things .mp4? 8.17M

|? ?|? ?├──33.Packing My Bag .mp4? 14.18M

|? ?|? ?├──34.Setting …Table .mp4? 13.27M

|? ?|? ?├──35.The Flower .mp4? 14.31M

|? ?|? ?├──36.Playing Together .mp4? 12.34M

|? ?|? ?├──37.Polly .mp4? 13.47M

|? ?|? ?├──38.At the Farm .mp4? 14.12M

|? ?|? ?├──39.The Sidewalk .mp4? 14.38M

|? ?|? ?├──4.Baby Animals 1 .mp4? 14.27M

|? ?|? ?├──40.The Hat .mp4? 13.67M

|? ?|? ?├──5.Baby Animals 2 .mp4? 14.27M

|? ?|? ?├──6.Over the River .mp4? 11.62M

|? ?|? ?├──7.My Big Bear 1 .mp4? 16.79M

|? ?|? ?├──8.My Big Bear 2 .mp4? 16.79M

|? ?|? ?└──9.Making Soup .mp4? 13.78M

|? ?├──讀繪本2

|? ?|? ?├──Drawing .mp4? 14.35M

|? ?|? ?├──Flap Flap Fly 1 .mp4? 23.53M

|? ?|? ?├──Flap Flap Fly 2 .mp4? 23.53M

|? ?|? ?├──Fun at School .mp4? 13.74M

|? ?|? ?├──Getting Ready .mp4? 12.90M

|? ?|? ?├──Going on a Train Ride .mp4? 19.72M

|? ?|? ?├──Going on a Train Ride 2 .mp4? 19.72M

|? ?|? ?├──Going on Vacation .mp4? 14.28M

|? ?|? ?├──Helping 1 .mp4? 18.23M

|? ?|? ?├──Helping 2 .mp4? 18.23M

|? ?|? ?├──Hiding .mp4? 9.12M

|? ?|? ?├──Hop, Hop, Hop .mp4? 13.55M

|? ?|? ?├──Making a Pizza .mp4? 14.30M

|? ?|? ?├──My Baby Sister .mp4? 13.87M

|? ?|? ?├──My Bear .mp4? 14.98M

|? ?|? ?├──My Big Brother 1 .mp4? 18.28M

|? ?|? ?├──My Big Brother 2 .mp4? 18.28M

|? ?|? ?├──Our Pets 1 .mp4? 25.49M

|? ?|? ?├──Our Pets 2 .mp4? 25.49M

|? ?|? ?├──Out to Play 1 .mp4? 17.85M

|? ?|? ?├──Out to Play 2 .mp4? 17.85M

|? ?|? ?├──Painting .mp4? 11.60M

|? ?|? ?├──Play and Ride 1 .mp4? 18.18M

|? ?|? ?├──Play and Ride 2 .mp4? 18.18M

|? ?|? ?├──Playing with Blocks 1 .mp4? 19.73M

|? ?|? ?├──Playing with Blocks 2 .mp4? 19.73M

|? ?|? ?├──Rain 1 .mp4? 20.38M

|? ?|? ?├──Rain 2 .mp4? 20.38M

|? ?|? ?├──So Big 1 .mp4? 17.95M

|? ?|? ?├──So Big 2 .mp4? 17.95M

|? ?|? ?├──Spots .mp4? 13.96M

|? ?|? ?├──The Parade .mp4? 14.38M

|? ?|? ?├──The Pet Store .mp4? 8.44M

|? ?|? ?├──The Play .mp4? 13.29M

|? ?|? ?├──The Puppet Show .mp4? 15.01M

|? ?|? ?├──The Show .mp4? 15.43M

|? ?|? ?├──Things That Go Fast .mp4? 14.93M

|? ?|? ?├──What Is Very Long 1 .mp4? 21.18M

|? ?|? ?├──What Is Very Long 2 .mp4? 21.18M

|? ?|? ?└──Wheels .mp4? 14.60M

|? ?├──讀繪本3

|? ?|? ?├──A Day at the Park .mp4? 20.61M

|? ?|? ?├──Ant Can’t 1 .mp4? 26.12M

|? ?|? ?├──Ant Can’t 2 .mp4? 26.12M

|? ?|? ?├──Ant Can’t 3 .mp4? 26.12M

|? ?|? ?├──At the Park .mp4? 8.07M

|? ?|? ?├──Boots and Shoes .mp4? 18.44M

|? ?|? ?├──Bubbles .mp4? 15.00M

|? ?|? ?├──Eggs? .mp4? 22.42M

|? ?|? ?├──Family Pictures .mp4? 14.19M

|? ?|? ?├──Flying .mp4? 13.91M

|? ?|? ?├──Friends 1 .mp4? 15.17M

|? ?|? ?├──Friends 2 .mp4? 15.17M

|? ?|? ?├──Frog Food .mp4? 14.07M

|? ?|? ?├──Getting Dressed .mp4? 7.23M

|? ?|? ?├──Jesse .mp4? 15.06M

|? ?|? ?├──Jump .mp4? 13.78M

|? ?|? ?├──Looking for Taco .mp4? 21.31M

|? ?|? ?├──Mom and Kayla .mp4? 18.05M

|? ?|? ?├──Monkey .mp4? 14.14M

|? ?|? ?├──My Bath .mp4? 15.19M

|? ?|? ?├──My New School .mp4? 14.60M

|? ?|? ?├──My Puppy .mp4? 14.30M

|? ?|? ?├──Oh, No! .mp4? 13.80M

|? ?|? ?├──Orson’s Tummy Ache .mp4? 14.23M

|? ?|? ?├──Our Garden .mp4? 14.18M

|? ?|? ?├──Sam and Papa 1 .mp4? 14.44M

|? ?|? ?├──Sam and Papa 2 .mp4? 14.44M

|? ?|? ?├──Smells .mp4? 14.15M

|? ?|? ?├──Swim .mp4? 13.78M

|? ?|? ?├──The Farmers .mp4? 15.43M

|? ?|? ?├──The New Puppy .mp4? 6.87M

|? ?|? ?├──The Painter .mp4? 14.22M

|? ?|? ?├──The Very Busy Hen .mp4? 24.40M

|? ?|? ?├──Too Much Stuff 1 .mp4? 17.91M

|? ?|? ?├──Too Much Stuff 2 .mp4? 17.91M

|? ?|? ?├──Traffic .mp4? 14.73M

|? ?|? ?├──Waking Up 1 .mp4? 11.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Waking Up 2 .mp4? 11.79M

|? ?|? ?├──Where Things Grow .mp4? 18.08M

|? ?|? ?└──Woof! .mp4? 13.87M

|? ?├──讀繪本4

|? ?|? ?├──A Box .mp4? 24.24M

|? ?|? ?├──A Rainy Day .mp4? 14.18M

|? ?|? ?├──A Visit from Aunt Bee .mp4? 16.33M

|? ?|? ?├──A Visit to the City .mp4? 15.63M

|? ?|? ?├──A Walk with Meli .mp4? 24.65M

|? ?|? ?├──Animals That Go Fast 1 .mp4? 19.89M

|? ?|? ?├──Animals That Go Fast 2 .mp4? 19.89M

|? ?|? ?├──Apple Pie .mp4? 13.93M

|? ?|? ?├──At School .mp4? 14.08M

|? ?|? ?├──At the Pond .mp4? 13.86M

|? ?|? ?├──Baby Pictures .mp4? 33.40M

|? ?|? ?├──Baking .mp4? 15.47M

|? ?|? ?├──Birds .mp4? 14.21M

|? ?|? ?├──Books .mp4? 23.72M

|? ?|? ?├──Bunny and the Monster .mp4? 27.90M

|? ?|? ?├──Clouds .mp4? 14.05M

|? ?|? ?├──Farmer Dan’s Ducks .mp4? 29.17M

|? ?|? ?├──Goldie and the Three Bears .mp4? 62.09M

|? ?|? ?├──Homes .mp4? 20.59M

|? ?|? ?├──Kate’s Truck .mp4? 20.94M

|? ?|? ?├──Look! .mp4? 13.75M

|? ?|? ?├──Meli on the Stairs .mp4? 20.01M

|? ?|? ?├──My Five Senses .mp4? 28.21M

|? ?|? ?├──My Friend .mp4? 6.40M

|? ?|? ?├──Pets .mp4? 19.04M

|? ?|? ?├──Pictures of Hugs .mp4? 32.69M

|? ?|? ?├──Play Ball! .mp4? 18.58M

|? ?|? ?├──Snap! .mp4? 13.95M

|? ?|? ?├──Talent Show .mp4? 42.99M

|? ?|? ?├──The Big Storm .mp4? 26.74M

|? ?|? ?├──The Good Dog .mp4? 5.78M

|? ?|? ?├──The Picnic .mp4? 14.44M

|? ?|? ?├──The Pool .mp4? 29.09M

|? ?|? ?├──The Puppets .mp4? 19.16M

|? ?|? ?├──The Sky .mp4? 13.00M

|? ?|? ?├──The Soccer Game .mp4? 45.93M

|? ?|? ?├──The Surprise .mp4? 34.42M

|? ?|? ?├──The Three Bears .mp4? 25.61M

|? ?|? ?├──The Three Pigs .mp4? 23.01M

|? ?|? ?├──Three Little Pigs and a Big Bad Wolf .mp4? 56.91M

|? ?|? ?├──Time for Lunch .mp4? 25.74M

|? ?|? ?├──Trucks .mp4? 17.70M

|? ?|? ?├──Up in a Tree .mp4? 25.29M

|? ?|? ?└──What Am I .mp4? 5.79M

|? ?└──讀繪本5

|? ?|? ?├──第10單元【動作】【11課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第11單元【我的家】【5課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第12單元【學?!俊?課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第13單元【我的城市】【6課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第14單元【交通工具】【5課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第15單元【自然+其他】【11課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第16單元【常見正反意詞1】【6課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第17單元【常見正反意詞2】【10課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第1單元【字母發(fā)音教學】【60課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第2單元【數(shù)字】【6課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第3單元【顏色】【4課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第4單元【動物】【9課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第5單元【情緒表情】【2課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第6單元【服裝】【3課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第7單元【身體部位】【6課時】

|? ?|? ?├──第8課時【繪畫教學】【6課時】

|? ?|? ?└──第9單元【食物】【4課時】




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